Senior Unity Programmer

We’re are looking to expand our inhouse team in Southport by recruiting a talented Unity Programmer to join us here at Fallen Planet Studios. The successful candidate will play a major role in shaping the future of our code systems, whilst supporting our releases on platforms such as Oculus, Steam, and PlayStationVR.


  • Work together with our team to bring features to life
  • Develop in collaboration whilst taking responsibility for large tasks
  • Help maintain code quality
  • Write optimised code considering CPU, memory, and network requirements


  • A degree in computer science, games development or equivalent
  • Minimum of 2 years professional games programming experience


  • Advanced C# programming skills
  • Minimum 3 years experience with Unity3D
  • An excellent understanding of game architecture and good programming practices
  • Experience working with VR projects.
  • Experience of working on at least one released title
  • Past experience in developing multiplayer games is useful
  • Strong written/verbal communication skills.
  • Strong time management and organisation skills and an enthusiastic team worker
  • A logical thinker with great problem-solving skills
  • Excellent maths skills
  • Experience with C++ is useful
  • An understanding of Entity Component System architecture is useful
  • Knowledge of dealing with store/platform integration is desirable

About Fallen Planet Studios

Developing exclusively for VR since 2013, Fallen Planet has released titles on Oculus, Steam, and PlayStation, to critical acclaim. In addition to our consumer releases we have extensive experience creating installations for the location-based VR industry.

To apply

If you think this could be the role for you, we’d love you hear from you!  Please email your CV to or use the form below:

Seen Enough? Apply Below!

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