Bob Cooney VR Deep Dive

23rd July 2019

Bob Cooney VR Deep Dive

Fallen Planet CEO Alex recently joined location-based VR expert Bob Cooney for an in-depth chat as part of Bob’s regular Deep Dive series on YouTube. In this wide-ranging discussion, Alex and Bob talked about the Fallen Planet Studios journey from our pioneering work with VR arcades in 2016, the ever-evolving world of the hardware landscape and Alex’s thoughts on the future for LBVR. Bob is the author of the book Real Money From Virtual Reality, and is the go-to-market strategist behind the launch of the world’s most successful location-based entertainment products. He has also mentored some of the top VR manufacturers and operators over the last 20 years including Global VR, Zero Latency, Hologate, and others.

Click here to see the full video

bob, cooney, deep, dive

Fallen Planet CEO Alex [L] chatting with Bob Cooney [R]

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