30th August 2014

AFFECTED DK2 Announcement

Its been a busy few months at Fallen Planet Studios with Kick Starter campaigns to organize and some great VR jobs coming through he door, but our main objective this week is to release the DK2 compatible version of AFFECTED. Its been a pleasure watching people play AFFECTED and seeing how well it has been received by the VR community, so we are looking forward to a new wave of DK2 owners trying it out.

DK2 has been well received in trade shows, and has starting winning more awards, the latest being Best Hardware at Gamescom 2014, but for developers its not been such a straight forward experience. Oculus are now shipping drivers with the Rift, which at the best of times could be called awkward (a polite phrase for PITA) and while we marvel at the glorious OLED screen, the problem of blacks smearing, and pixels shutting off in dark conditions has made the port to DK2 quite a painful experience, especially for a horror game that relies of dark scenes so heavily.

Affected, DK2, gamescom

Fortunately Drash (the creator of Titans in Space) has made a wonderful patch that eliminates the smearing black problem at source by using color correction. So thanks Drash for supplying the package to the Oculus Dev Community!


If you haven’t tried Titans of Space, which is a crime if you own a rift,  then click on the image above and check out the latest DK2 version.

So we are not too far away from releasing Affected DK2, and im sure the extra surprises will keep everyone on their toes when visiting the manor all over again!!

Updates will be posted up on the blog, and the Fallen Planet page will be the first site to host the new download.

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